Seen Not Heard - Heather Evans Smith
Seen Not Heard - Heather Evans Smith
Seen Not Heard takes its title from the Old English adage "To Be Seen and Not Heard", a term often thrown about in reference to the desired behavior of children. These images are silent, but they create a voluble visual narrative on the relationship between parent and child. They explore the cycles that are passed down through generations and the tension between keeping to what is known and forging a newer, and perhaps stronger, path. As strong as the close, forever bond between mother and daughter is, there also exists a distance inherent between two different individuals.
Published June 2016 by Flash Powder Projects
Hardcover, 10x8 inches
80 pages / 31 color images
Edition of 500
Photographs by Heather Evans Smith
Illustrations by Carrie Violet
ISBN: 978-1-943948-04-8
Trade Edition: $50.00
Press for Seen Not Heard:
About Heather Evans Smith
Heather Evans Smith lives and works in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Her work reflects her southern roots, motherhood, womanhood and a whimsical imagination she relied on as an only child in a rural town. Smith’s work has been featured in solo and joint exhibitions nationwide, magazines, literary journals and online publications. She has been invited as a guest lecturer at colleges, universities and photography conferences such as Australian Exposure in the Gold Coast, Australia. Recently, she was chosen as a winner of Ron Howard’s Project Imagination, one of PDNs The Curator and a Critical Mass Top 50 Finalist in 2014.